Moving on, we are going to make an app (in WPF, if you use Winforms I banish you again, and don't even get me started on Silverlight) that takes a joint (your hand, for example) and maps an ellipse to it. This is very simple and I use it a lot. With the XAML just make an 2 images, 4 ellipses, and a canvas, like so:
<Window x:Class="SkeletalTracking.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="800" Loaded="Window_Loaded"
Closing="Window_Closing" WindowState="Maximized"> <Canvas Name="MainCanvas">
<Image Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Width="640" Height="480" Name="imageviewer" />
<Ellipse Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Height="50" Name="leftEllipse" Width="50" Fill="#FF4D298D" Opacity="1" Stroke="White" />
<Ellipse Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="0" Fill="#FF2CACE3" Height="50" Name="rightEllipse" Width="50" Opacity="1" Stroke="White" />
<Image Canvas.Left="66" Canvas.Top="90" Height="87" Name="headImage" Stretch="Fill" Width="84" Source="whateverimagefileyouwant.jpg" />
<Ellipse Canvas.Left="283" Canvas.Top="233" Height="23" Name="leftknee" Stroke="Black" Width="29" />
<Ellipse Canvas.Left="232" Canvas.Top="233" Height="23" Name="rightknee" Stroke="Black" Width="30" />
Now keep in mind that this is my first post with code so I don't have the whole Blogger setup figured out. I will find some way to put this stuff in code but it works for now. Now I am assuming if you know something about the Kinect SDK you will know how to display a color image, do that now with "imageviewer" Image. Now for the mapping, you will need these few methods:
void GetCameraPoint(Skeleton first, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
using (DepthImageFrame depth = e.OpenDepthImageFrame())
if (depth == null ||
kinectSensorChooser1.Kinect == null)
//Map a joint location to a point on the depth map
DepthImagePoint headDepthPoint =
//left hand
DepthImagePoint leftDepthPoint =
//right hand
DepthImagePoint rightDepthPoint =
//Map a depth point to a point on the color image
ColorImagePoint headColorPoint =
depth.MapToColorImagePoint(headDepthPoint.X, headDepthPoint.Y,
//left hand
ColorImagePoint leftColorPoint =
depth.MapToColorImagePoint(leftDepthPoint.X, leftDepthPoint.Y,
//right hand
ColorImagePoint rightColorPoint =
depth.MapToColorImagePoint(rightDepthPoint.X, rightDepthPoint.Y,
//Set location
CameraPosition(headImage, headColorPoint);
CameraPosition(leftEllipse, leftColorPoint);
CameraPosition(rightEllipse, rightColorPoint);
Skeleton GetFirstSkeleton(AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrameData = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
if (skeletonFrameData == null)
return null;
//get the first tracked skeleton
Skeleton first = (from s in allSkeletons
where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
select s).FirstOrDefault();
return first;
Now all you need is to add in the AllFramesReadyEventArgs to tie it all together.
void sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
if (closing)
//Get a skeleton
Skeleton first = GetFirstSkeleton(e);
if (first == null)
//set scaled position
ScalePosition(headImage, first.Joints[JointType.Head]);
ScalePosition(leftEllipse, first.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);
ScalePosition(rightEllipse, first.Joints[JointType.HandRight]);
ScalePosition(leftknee, first.Joints[JointType.KneeLeft]);
ScalePosition(rightknee, first.Joints[JointType.KneeRight]);
GetCameraPoint(first, e);
And that is all there is to it! Hope this helps. A large portion of this code was taken from
Sorry about the bad code, I will find another way :P
ReplyDeleteI fixed the code so it works better now:)